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The Perfect Boss (2013)

The Perfect Boss full movie

Beautiful, successful Jessica Slade is used to getting what she wants whether she has to use her brains, charm, or body to do it. So when Jessica is hired by Mickelson Pharmaceuticals to fast-track a drug that will keep the company afloat, she's confident she can convince the FDA to make it happen. What she doesn't know, however, is that one of the researchers, Don, has discovered that the drug is killing people. When Don threatens to go public with the information and block the drug's approval, Jessica has him murdered. All goes as planned and Jessica is able to cover up the crime, or at least she thinks she has...until Don's pre-med school daughter, Renee, launches her own investigation into her father's death. Will she be able to discover the truth before it's too late?

    Stars                 Jamie Luner, Ashley Leggat, Linden Ashby

    Genre               Thriller

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